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White or Brown Sugar

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White or Brown Sugar

Sugar is a familiar every day name for many of us that we read and hear different narratives of  its benefits or disadvantages. But is sugar harmful for our  health? What is Brown Sugar? What is the difference between white and brown sugar? And so on. In response to the first question, it should be stated that no food can be harmful only for a particular cause to the body, unless it is harmful for the body  because of particular illness or causing by going to extremes of consumption. See our more samples here.

White or Brown Sugar

(White and Brown Sugar)

ugar is not just what we think, but it is also known as dextrose, high fructose corn syrup, rice syrup, raw sugar or sucrose. Brown sugar is another kind of sugar that is whispered to be more useful than white sugar. But it must be admitted that there is no difference between the two in terms of calories.

But how to produce brown sugar is that mixing white sugar crystals with amounts of  soluble molasses is called brown sugar, which after drying process, brown sugar crystals are produced, in which molasses vary in sugars. The Brown Sugar specification can be referred to as darkness of texture and color. Molasses can be a source of antioxidants and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and iron, which is why some people consider brown sugar more healthy than white sugar. See our more samples here.


White sugar or brown sugar?

The sugarcane harvested from the fields contains sweetened milk and in factories crystals called raw sugar are made after the extraction of this sweet substance. Note that Brown Sugar is not a red sugar and it is totally different from it. But some people say that the main difference between white and brown sugar is how they affect cooking.


White or Brown Sugar

(White and Brown Sugar)

Brown sugar has a great effect on the skin. Brown sugar reduces skin swelling and causes skin hydration, as well as protects skin cells from free radicals. Note that if you have diabetes, in time of severe drop in blood glucose, brown sugar and white sugar are the same, and like white sugar, brown sugar can also increase blood sugar in a short time. For use, we recommend that you make powder of  brown sugar, or mix it with 2 to 3 tablespoons of water with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.

You can also mix melted brown sugar with cream and mix with ice cream. A lot of advertising is being spread  by a number of profiteer people associated with  brown sugar. But keep in mind that white sugar and brown sugar do not differ substantially from one another, and both can be plumper and hyper-caloric. So avoid eating it excessively and try to involve natural sugars in your diet. See our more samples here.