fast food and restaurant requirements

Cardboard bowl

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Cardboard bowl

Today we are going to talk about cardboard bowls which are very much used in food packaging, especially in restaurants, catering and birthday parties. As you probably know, it has long been important for people to pack food. This is so that the first packages go back to the primitive just when they had to bring food from hunting or other ways to their place of residence. Of course, in those days the packaging was not as modern as it is today, and for packaging they used  leaves, roots, plant shoots and peel of some fruits. To see more samples click here.


Cardboard bowl


Features of cardboard bowl

Cardboard bowls are generally used for such things as French fries, soups and in many other caterings for serving strew and other foods such as Mirza Qasemi, eggplant curd, etc., which depending on the transportation and desire can have lio. The following is to introduce you to some of the essential and effective features for choosing the right cardboard bowl:

Lack of moisture absorption and having strength

Since most of the contents inside the cardboard bowl are liquid, the impermeability of the liquid to the cardboard is one of the most important factors and features of  this type of  bowl. Because the absence of this factor can alter the taste and quality of food, which in itself is unpleasant. The next thing to pay attention to is the strength of the cardboard bowl. Because if the carton breaks down or loses its original form in time of delivering to the customer, we will no longer enjoy customer satisfaction, which is an important factor in the restaurant's profitability. To see more samples click here.


Cardboard bowl


Design and appearance of cardboard bowl

Cardboard bowls can vary in size depending on the type of application and the amount of  food to be placed. These sizes can also be customized or be in various sizes, from small, medium, larg. Cardboard bowls can also have your favorite design, for example, if you are going to deliver HAPPY meal packages (usually kid's food with a prize) in your restaurant or fast food restaurant, or if you want these cardboard bowls for your child birthday, the best option is using colorful and cartoon designs. But if you want these bowls as a way of marketing and introducing your brand and products, the best option is to print and make a design that includes your logo, restaurant name, address and contact number. So you can easily make your brand and restaurant popular among people. To see more samples click here.