fast food and restaurant requirements

Locked takeaway sandwich box

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Locked takeaway sandwich box

The locked takeaway sandwich box can be made of plastic or cardboard. In this type of box, the bread sandwich will not be damaged and will retain its original appearance under any circumstances. So a locked sandwich box has more advantages than sandwich pockets. To see more samples click here.

The locked takeaway sandwich box has higher printing capability and quality than conventional printing samples and is more maneuverable and quality due to its ease of use and technology used in laminate production.


Locked takeaway sandwich box


The surface cardboard of this box is grey on back and the outer cardboard is from carton manufactured in two-layer, three-layer, five-layer form to further tighten the box and keep the product in the box safe against external pressures. If your sandwich has more than 700 grams weight, this box is a good option. The following are essential in designing an takeaway sandwich box: considering customer's taste, the size of the bread and the contents of the sandwich, the printing of a monochrome box with colorful and attractive textures, making the burger quick and easy to use, made from a special type of paper called wax paper which is covered with layer of polyethylene. To see more samples click here.


Locked takeaway sandwich box


It prevents both lack of hygiene and fluid leakage into the sandwich and outflow of oil from inside the pocket. Takeaway sandwich box can be printed from 1 color to 4 colors.

There are different varieties of designing and printing of  locked takeaway sandwich box: a table-cloth sandwich box, a sliding sandwich box and a McDonald's sandwich box lock door, a side door sandwich box, and a zipper sandwich box. In general, any tool that can affect the surface can begin the design of the box. Most designers use tools to create lines or cover surfaces quickly.

The designers put their personal and client's thoughts and visualizations into the process of writing with the help of various tools. Nowadays, paper and cardboard are used for design that distribute the following types of paper, namely, rough, soft,  thick, thin, polished, flaky, textured, white and colored in standard sizes or in meters.

Cardboard boxes also differ in terms of texture, material, color and weight. In the design, a fixed chassis board clamp is used to hold the paper. If the chassis board is not fixed, the paper clip can be used. Takeaway Kraft pocket with general design for delivering and packing sandwich, burger and hamburger with standard size, burger and hamburger pockets are printed and manufactured in addition to the general burger Kraft burger as well as the general pizza pocket with monochrome printing and 75 gram Kraft paper. The weight of sandwich also influences the type of box you choose. To see more samples click here.