fast food and restaurant requirements

Takeaway chicken box

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Takeaway chicken box

Of course, fried chicken is one of the most popular foods in fast foods. This is to the extent that some fast food restaurants are established for this food only and do not include any other food on the menu. One of the most famous of these restaurants is KFC. This popularity of fried chicken has led to dedicate today's topic about takeaway chicken box.  To see more samples click here.


Takeaway chicken box


Different types of takeaway chicken box

The takeaway chicken box is divided into different categories depending on the type of door and how it is closed:

  • Locked fried chicken box
  • Handled fried chicken box
  • Chest fried chicken box

But the point that is common to all three boxes is the material of these takeaway chicken boxes. Since fried chicken may be directly connected to the box, you should use materials such as polyethylene-coated cardboard and special cardboard to prevent contamination and germs from getting into the food.   To see more samples click here.

Another case that could be the difference between regular takeaway box and takeaway chicken box is in its size. In the regular takeaway box, the size is determined by the individual, while in the takeaway chicken box, the number of chicken in the box is the main criterion. For example, the takeaway boxes are divided into two-piece chicken box, three-piece chicken, and so on.


Takeaway chicken box


Tips on takeaway chicken box

In the production and manufacture of  takeaway boxes, including takeaway chicken box, there are some special points in common that will be explained below:

Strength and insulation

Since one of the main things to satisfy the customer is to delivering warm food to the destination. The boxes should have something called thermal insulation. There are various ways to have a heat-insulated for takeaway chicken box, usually through double-glazed cardboard boxes. Double-glazed takeaway chicken box, in addition to creating an insulating state, can also affect the strength of the box. In this type of box, and for cost savings, special cardboard is used only in the inner layer.

With special ventilators

As you know, when you put a hot food in a takeaway chicken box, the steam gathering can affect the quality and taste of the food. For this reason, the only way to prevent this problem is to use small ventilators in specific locations. This will not only serve warm food to your customers but also your fried chicken can be delivered to your customers by maintaining the original quality.   To see more samples click here.