fast food and restaurant requirements

Bucket of chicken

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Bucket of chicken

Chicken is one of the most popular products and foods available in fast food, due to the large number of orders available in different sizes such as two-piece box, three-piece box, etc., but one of its main sizes used for families and large numbers of people, it is the chicken bucket mode. This type of packaging is capable of accommodating a large number of French fries and fried chicken, so if the number of people to order is more than three, the choice will not only be more efficient for customers but also for business owners. It is less expensive because it costs all of these boxes and when you use the chicken bucket it will make you more profitable because of the lower cost of packaging.  To see more samples click here.


Bucket of chicken


Different sizes of chicken bucket

It should be said that the chicken bucket can be found in two different sizes as described below:

1. A small or 70-ounce chicken bucket

The first size, known as the 70-ounce bucket, can be described as the smallest size available. This type of chicken bucket is suitable for packing two or three slices of  chicken with French fries and a delicious portion of fried wings. The diameter of this small bucket is 185 mm and its height is about 100 mm and occupies little space in case of delivery. This 70-ounce bucket also serves as a place for your charming salads other than chicken. They can also be manufactured in two forms with and without doors. To see more samples click here.


Bucket of chicken


2. Big or 140-ounce chicken bucket

This size of chicken bucket is suitable for more orders than a three-piece chicken with French fries. This chicken bucket is twice the size of a small chicken bucket and has a height of about 200 mm and the a span of 370 mm in diameter and as mentioned earlier, the big chicken bucket is often used for family orders and offers.

The material of cardboard for chicken bucket

Generally, these style of containers which are directly in contact with food are made of a structure called Inderbard with polyethylene layers. The presence of polyethylene Inderbard structure can prevent the absorption of germs in the food and maintain the quality of the chicken.


Bucket of chicken


Another issue that highlights the lack of oil absorption in the chicken bucket is the amount of cardboard grammage that will be used in the production of these buckets.

Branding and Ads

Using the restaurant's logo, name and address on the chicken bucket can bring a new look to your restaurant and brand in front of customers. On the other hand, it can also lead to marketing and advertising. To see more samples click here.