Digital Print

Digital Catalog Printing with Punch Binding

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Digital Catalog Printing with Punch Binding

When a company is going to provide more detailed information, catalogs are one of the best options. Catalogs convey more complete information about the products or services that the company offers to the costumers. That's why catalogs, unlike brochures, aren't printed in large numbers, so digital printing is better for catalogs. Two sizes are usually recommended for digital catalog printing, A4 size and A5 size. Catalogs have more cover pages and internal pages because they contain more information. Usually, the cover of the catalogs is printed thicker and with a higher weight, and it is covered with matte or glossy cellophane. Usually, the cover of the catalogs is printed thicker and with a higher weight, and the cellophane is matte or glossy, and on the contrary, the inner pages are printed with less thickness and there is no need for cellophane, but if you want your catalog to be more beautiful and resistant, you can also cellophane the inside pages. The high number of pages in the catalog has disrupted the layout of the pages, making it difficult for employers and costumers. To solve this problem, three methods for binding and pasting catalog pages are suggested: Digital catalog printing with punch binding, Digital catalog printing with adhesive binding, Digital printing of catalogs with wired binding


Digital Catalog Printing with Punch Binding


Types of Punches for Binding Catalogs

For digital printing a catalog with punch binding, the last step is binding and punching. At this stage, the catalog pages are connected to each other using a punching machine. In the last step, the catalog is cut and ready to be presented. Punch binding is offered in two types: flat staples and loop staples, which, except for their appearance, do not differ in the stages of work and the number of pages. In the type of flat staples, there is a kind of simple punching needle that is used everywhere and is usually more visible.


Digital Catalog Printing with Punch Binding


But the binding of the wire or loop punch is in the form of a semicircle or loop that makes the appearance of the work is more fancy and beautiful, and also makes it easy and convenient to place it inside the ledger binder and catalog sheets. In digital printing of the catalog with the loop punch binding, a curve is created behind the catalog, which is not present in the simple punch.

In general, the binding of wire or punch for the cover is not considered, because this method is used for the number of pages less than the binding with adhesive. The number of pages that can be bound in a digital catalog printing method with a punch binder depends entirely on the thickness of the paper. For example, in a catalog where the paper print thickness is assumed to be 300 grams, the number of pages cannot be more than 24, because the punch and cut strength makes it a difficult problem.


Digital Catalog Printing with Punch Binding


Advantages of Using Punches for Catalog Binding

It can be said that there are many advantages to this method:

• High speed
• Low cost
• Availability
• Beauty compared to punch and spring

All of these has made it more used.

In addition to the features listed for the simple punch and loop punch, what matters is the customer's taste, and ultimately the customer decides what binding the catalog will be presented with.

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