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Digital Printing of Letterheads on Writing Paper

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Digital Printing of Letterheads on Writing Paper

Office sets are papers that are used to do administrative work. Office sets include letterhead, business envelope, business card, etc. The office set is the identifier and organizational identity of each company. In addition to meeting the basic needs of companies, Office sets can be a small and inexpensive advertisement for any company using a unique design and printing, and at the same time with a very strong impact to attract the audience. Letterheads are one of the most important parts of office sets. Because the letterhead is used for office letters and contracts, digital printing is used to print the letterhead. To increase the print quality, just digitally print the letterhead is not enough, using the type of paper, color, font, design and necessary standards and coordination between this collection indirectly conveys the desired and positive effect to your audience. Different types of writing paper are commonly used to print letterheads. Linen and glossy paper are also used to print letterheads with special features. Digital letterhead printing on writing paper is the most common and popular type of letterhead. If the letterheads are to be printed on one side, 80 grams of writing paper is the best option, but sometimes the letterheads are printed on both sides, in which case 100 grams of writing paper is recommended for the letterheads.


Digital Printing of Letterheads on Writing Paper


Features of Writing Paper for Digital Printing

Remember that stationery used for digital printing of letterheads has a textured surface with high absorbency, which is usually used in color prints of inkjet or inkjet type, such as offset machine, due to absorption and The color penetrates into the tissue of the paper, the colors become slightly opaque and lose their transparency. To solve this problem, digital printing comes into play. Writing papers in Iran are uncovered and can be written with ink on both sides without the ink penetrating or leaking to the other side of the paper. Writing digital printing is the best option for full color printing.

Terms of Digital Printing of Letterhead on Writing Paper:

• Do not use black 4%in full color letterheads

• The best black color code is: C = 30 M = 30 Y = 30 K = 100

• Keep the cut on each side 5 m

• Use CMYK colors

• 300 DPI resolution

• In A5-A4 sizes

• Most suitable size: A5


Digital Printing of Letterheads on Writing Paper


The Advantage of Iranian Writing Paper for Digital Letterhead Printing

Writing papers used for digital printing of letterheads are sometimes imported and foreign. This increases the cost of the employer to print the letterhead. Iranian writing paper, which is used for digital printing of letterhead, weighs 80 grams, and the difference between it and 80 grams of foreign writing paper is the color of the paper itself. Compared to foreign paper, Iranian writing paper is light cream or gray and is not completely white, which also affects the colors used in the design. The advantage of this paper over foreign writing is its low cost and it is very economical for ordinary work.

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