box and Packaging

Carton with earrings

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Carton with earrings

Carton with earrings are cartons that use the logo, label, pendant and so on. to attach the message, content, attachment, etc. to the carton. Design and timing of carton earrings is part of the marketing and advertising business. In addition to carton earrings, you can use other methods of marketing.


Carton with earrings


Carton printing methods with earrings

In general, the types of technologies and printing methods can be divided into two general categories of conventional and non-contact printing. In the conventional printing sector, it is necessary to transfer the ink to the surface of the print using a medium, such as plate, stereo, template and the like, in the form of plastered, flat and prominent species. Splitting non-contact prints, ink or ink transfer, or image shaping on the printed surface is done in a straightforward manner.


Carton with earrings


In electro Photography and ionography, powder and liquid toner are used to create the image, while in the magnetic printing method the magnetic toner is used and in inkjet printing, liquid ink and thermal ink are used.

Heating printing is also available in both transitional and subliminal ways. It is possible to dye in this type of printing or using foil or ribbon. Through photography, the final image is printed on the surface of the light-sensitive coating on the surface of the illumination.

The offset method is one of the most common methods of printing and packaging that can be applied to the image by utilizing separable and hybrid colors. In this way, by applying lithography, color separation, and tracing on the plate, it is necessary to combine the different colors and set up the surface to be printed in continuous rolls or separate plates.


Carton with earrings


In general, offset method, especially in the printing of paper and cardboard boxes and packaging, is an affordable and affordable method that offers acceptable quality and the use of pre-fabricated colors as well as four-color separation colors. There are denotative colors  of six and four in this method.

In the printing machine, the intermediate tire serves as a flexible surface, mediating the composite transfer from plate to surface in the printing machine such as paper or cardboard. Due to the cost of lithography and plate insertion as well as the establishment and setup of a printing machine, the minimum circulation is economical in this way, and in lesser quantities, only the raw material costs are usually deducted from the finished cost, though the durability of multiple prints is high and by heating them before the printing process can be started it can be increased to a degree that usually reduces the detail of the trams and the final quality.


Carton with earrings


Letterpress printing is one of the oldest ways of machine printing. In this way, the printing plate, which is a composite transducer, has a hard and prominent surface that allows for the transfer of text and images mainly by typing lead-cast letters alongside the visual stereotypes. Another feature of the Letterpress style is its detailed application in the supplementary stages, and after printing it is like a fine-grained insertion operation that makes this device even more popular today.

According to the microscopic view, images, lines, and letters printed in this manner are usually more bold in the region sides than the central areas, which is the defining characteristic of this method of printing.

In general, Letterpress is one of the inexpensive methods of printing, especially in the following circles, but it does not have the ultimate accuracy and quality. It is important that the colors are flat and limited in design, and that each of them has a single printing operation. This is commonly referred to as grasshopper printing.

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